Tuesday, January 4, 2011

194. The Iron Giant (1999)


-It's bad to kill. Guns kill. And you don't have to be a gun. You are what you choose to be. You choose. Choose.

The best "non-Pixar" animated movie of all time (by leaps and bounds too!). Whoever owned Warner Brothers Animation in 1999 was a complete idiot for this movie to bomb the way it did. I honestly didn't even hear about it until a couple of years later when it was showing up regularly on the Cartoon Network. No matter how hard or serious you act in your daily life every man has a little boy inside of them that wants nothing more than to befriend a giant alien robot. This movie wakes that little boy up and takes him for a ride. It starts off a little slow with normal little kid hijinks (like bringing a squirrel to his mom's work as a pet), but begins to fly as Hogarth Hughes discovers his really big secret. It just keeps getting more exciting until culminating in such an exhilirating and emotional climax that it puts most movies made for grown-ups to shame. I know I have said it before, but I cannot stress enough how much you need to see this movie immediately, but don't thank me, thank Brad Bird (the movie's writer and director who just happens to work now for.... you guessed it: Pixar).

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