Thursday, December 2, 2010

161. Life is Beautiful (1997)


You are such a good boy. You sleep now. Dream sweet dreams. Maybe we are both dreaming. Maybe this is all a dream, and in the morning, Mommy will wake us up with milk and cookies. Then, after we eat, I will make love to her two or three times. If I can.

Probably my favorite "grown-up" movie of all time. I have often said that the world would be a better place if everyone started each day off by viewing this movie. Maybe once a week would suffice. The title really says is all. "Life is Beautiful". Enjoy it while you can. Love one another. Hug your mama. Play with your kids. Have fun and stay positive.

I don't really want to spoil anything from this movie. Bottom line: If you haven't seen it, do so, like right now. Bump it to the top of the netflix queue, borrow it from me, rent it from East Coast Music and Video, or illegally download it (last one reserved if all else fails), but see it, now...

PS: if you don't like it, then please don't tell me. I know it may seem shallow, but my opinion of you will drop considerably with this knowledge.


  1. Agreed on the opinion dropping thing, I never feel that way about musical taste, but there are a few movies that if someone can't get them, they can't get me.

  2. At least I'm honest about it... ;)
