Monday, August 17, 2020

The Year in Movies: 1973


Number of Movies I've Seen: 7

Number of Movies from my original top 365:  2

Oscar Winner:
The Sting - (Pictured above) Another one of the rare years that the Academy nearly got it perfect. This movie ranks among a very short list of films that I have never heard anyone speak ill of. If you like movies, you are pretty much guaranteed to like watching Newman and Redford in this smart and witty heist flick. I am definitely due a rewatch on this one and I think Abby will dig it. Here is my original take from 2010.

Box Office Winner:
The Exorcist-  I never really got this one. I don't really have a problem with it, but I just don't get the appeal. Don't get me wrong, it is a very well made movie and the soundtrack is super creepy. I'm not really a horror fan, so I guess there's that.

My Top Ten:

2. The Sting 

3. The Holy Mountain - I was introduced to Alejandro Jodorowsky with the documentary Jodorowsky's Dune about the filmmaker's failed attempt at adapting Frank Herbert's sci-fi epic. I was intrigued by his other films and I added them to my netflix physical queue. This was the only one I got my hands on before I ditched the disks about a year ago. This movie....  Oh my. It follows a Christ-like figure through all kinds of symbolic trials and journeys. It is beautiful and haunting, but most of all it shocks. Not in a "jump-scare" horror way, but in a wide-eyed way that leaves the viewer aghast and thinking about it for weeks to come.

4. Robin Hood - This anthropomorphic Disney retelling is probably my favorite of the 60s and 70s Disney animated films.

5. The Exorcist 

6. Soylent Green - If this movie wasn't so dated by its wardrobes, misogyny, music, and video-game systems it would be a brilliant look at a dystopian future. Alas, it is very, very dated.

7. Westworld - HBO needed to remake this one. This movie takes a brilliant concept and just fumbles in the most boring way possible.

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