Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Best of the Year: 1984 - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom


I grew up loving George Lucas' fantastic creations like Star Wars, Willow, and  Labyrinth. I could pretend to be Han Solo, Madmartigan, or the Goblin King, but it was always a bit of a stretch. This film series is different though... I could really grow up to be Indiana Jones. He was an archaeologist and a teacher. He lived on a real historical Earth. He was a great fighter and adventurer, but he wasn't superhuman. I have grown to appreciate Raiders and The Last Crusade as I have gotten older, but when I was growing up this one was always my favorite. I think this was mainly because of "Short-round": the unfortunately named kid surrogate for everyone like me who wanted to team up with their hero. 

My take from 2010.

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