Tuesday, March 8, 2011

255. Intolerable Cruelty (2003)


-My wife has me between a rock and a hard place.
-That's her job. You should respect that.

This movie is evidence that the Coen brothers (although at their best when spinning intricate yarns of murder and intrigue) are 100% genre proof. If your career can sustain going from "Fargo" to a romantic comedy and back to "No Country for Old Men", then you are an amazing filmmaker. The Coens are just that. Every line of dialogue, frame of camerawork, and detail of acting is perfect. It also doesn't hurt that they are working with some of the best actors in history in Billy Bob Thornton, George Clooney, and Richard Jenkins (that's right! I put him in there too! Don't believe me? Look him up! He is an outstanding actor that you know, but his name is completely unreckognizable).

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