Thursday, February 3, 2011

223. Monsters, Inc. (2001)


It's hard to believe, but just 10 short years ago Pixar had not completely solidified itself as the greatest animation studio in history. Sure, the Toy Stories were both pretty amazing and "A Bug's Life" wasn't half bad, but it wasn't to the point it is today. That is, today the name Pixar alone can assure the viewer of a perfect feature film. All of this being said, I went to the opening showing of "Monster's Inc." on a Friday afternoon. I'd like to say it was my bourgeoning confidence in the Pixar brand, but in all honesty it was the first movie with an "Attack of the Clones" trailer attached. After my fanboy excitement had died down, I was treated to an absolutely amazing movie. John Goodman and Billy Crystal were pitch perfect for the roles of Mike and Sully and Steve Buscemi gave the evil Randall a sinister life that perfectly walked the border of scary and too scary. This movie also contains one of my favorite final shots of all time. I get chills just thinking about it:


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