Sunday, February 24, 2013

Countdown to Oscar Night: Best Actor


Bradley Cooper - Silver Linings Playbook
Daniel Day-Lewis - Lincoln
Hugh Jackman - Les Miserables
Joaquin Phoenix - The Master
Denzel Washington - Flight

This is actually a really close decision for me.  Daniel Day-Lewis gives one of the top ten method acting performances in history, and Hugh Jackman gives one of the top ten musical performances in history.  The Academy will not have it quite as close though, as Day-Lewis' flight into Oscar history (first man to win three best actor trophies) is pretty much a foregone conclusion.

My Ballot:
Hugh Jackman -Les Miserables
Daniel Day-Lewis - Lincoln
Denzel Washington - Flight
Bradley Cooper - Silver Linings Playbook

My Pick to Win:
Daniel Day-Lewis - Lincoln

Shoulda Been Here:
Jack Black - Bernie

1 comment:

  1. Lincoln just isn't that great a movie and the part wasn't dynamic enough for Hollywood. Watch Hugh Jackman win this one.

    Denzel or Bradley deserve it more for their understated performances of people with real problems. In roles that could've easily gone off the tracks into exaggeration.
