Wednesday, October 6, 2010

104. Akira (1988)


I... am Tetsuo.

This is the movie that most credit with bringing Japanese animation to the shores of the United States. For the most part that is true. It showed a whole generation of nerds and geeks like myself how cool "cartoons" could be if you bloodied them up, cursed, and drove around on super-cool futuristic motorcycles. Still, to think of this movie only as the vehicle for the delivery of anime to America is a great injustice. Katsuhiro Otomo wrote the manga (read: Japanese comic book) in serialized form from 1982 until 1990 and it is accepted by most as the masterwork in the "cyberpunk" subgenre of comics. In 1988, Otomo took the very beginning of his epic story and translated it to the screen in one of the coolest, trippiest, films to ever be made.

I know it's cliche, but if you are curious about anime (and Miyazaki is just a little too cutesy and psychadelic for you) then you should most definitely start here.

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