Thursday, December 3, 2020

The Year in Movies: 1926


Number of Movies I've Seen: 3

Number of Movies from my original top 365:  0

Oscar Winner:
Didn't exist yet...

Box Office Winner:
Ben Hur: A Tale of Christ - I'm not sure why people obsess over this story... Jesus' actual story is much more interesting. Alas, I skipped this one.

My Top Ten:

2. The Adventures of Prince Achmed - (PICTURED ABOVE) This movie is unlike anything you've ever seen before. It feels almost disrespectful to say that it is paper cutout animation against a lit screen because it is so much more alive than that. I'll be honest, I'm not 100% sure of the story, but the visuals are dazzling enough and it is free on youtube so you have no excuse!

3. The Son of the Sheik - I guess this one is better than the original... I just need more comedy and artistry in my silent films and less sexual assault that passes as erotic entertainment.

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